Kaukauna Locks: Lock 4

Lock Dimensions

144 feet x 35 feet

Sill Depth – 6 feet

Lift – 10.2 feet

Mile – 23.1

Phone Number

Lock 1: 920-202-1855 or Lock 5: 920-809-3299 

Phones active only during hours of operation

Kaukauna #4 Operating Hours

Two regional attractions are at Lock 4.


“The Big One” is a famous cross section of a Douglas fir that was cut down after standing for 586 years.


In total, the fir grew to a considerable circumference of 34 feet 8 inches, a diameter of almost 13 feet, and a head-spinning height of 238 feet.


This Big One was 133 years old when Columbus arrived in America. The Big One was on display at the entrance to the Menasha Corporation in Wisconsin until 1969. Not long after, the Army Corp of Engineers transported the tree by barge down the Fox River to its current home at Kaukauna Lock No. 4.


The Grignon Mansion is within walking distance of the lock and is a national and state historic site. This Greek Revival home has been restored to the time period of 1837 when it was built by Charles A. Grignon for his new bride. The home was called the “Mansion in the Woods” and was an elegant escape from the life of a fur trader. Tours are available early May through Labor Day.

Fox River Navigational Charts: